It’s difficult to explain... The book tells you what all the combos are, so you'd think if you're atempting the "XXA" combo (like in the picture to the right) you could just quickly press XXA, Bob's your uncle, you've done the perfect spin slash. How pretty and effective, right? NO! Instead, you run up to a guy and press X to swing, but as soon as you press X this activates totally random combo directions (and I mean totally random, running up to a bad guy and pressing X will deliver different results and prompts every time ), if the next of the three circles turns green you have to quickly hit the A and then be ready to hit the next corresponding random button prompt that lights up. If you've already pressed X again for the XXA combo the whole thing cancels then the A will start another combo you're not ready for.
It's not absolutly impossible though, sometimes it works wonderfully, but you have to react really fast and though I’ll probably get better with practice, like the combos in God of War, there’s only about a half second delay before it all cancels out and you have to start again. Unlike in God of War, who only (thank the gods) had finishing move combos that displayed boldly in the centre of the screen, the combo prompters are three tiny circles in the bottom left hand corner. I find during battle that I’m spending a lot of time staring at the circles trying to get the combos and not paying attention to what the guy I’m fighting is doing. That is, until I give up and just start swinging, “making up” my own combos that aren’t actually effective as combos because I’m not copying the random circles…. Have I mentioned these combo prompts are random ; )
To go back to the main post of my first impressions of Sudeki on Video Dr.'s Gaming From a Girls-Eye-View click here: Sudeki (XBox)
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